Thursday, September 4, 2008

Thoughts on the name, The Oklahoma City Thunder?

Hola, amigos. I know it's been a long time since I rapped at ya, but things have been getting plenty hairy around here. But our team has a new name and I feel the need to interject my opinion.

First, I think it is kinda bogus that we can't get jerseys. And even worse yet, we don't even know what they look like. That guy at too the max!! was still sporting old Sonic jerseys. Though I noticed he was wearing the early 90's era uni, one Shawn Kemp might have fathered some children while wearing. They said we have to wait 3 weeks to get jerseys and mascot info.

Second, the logo could be a lot worse. I mean, there is some dark blue in it, but no purple. And I really do dig the light blue in it and I am need one.

Lastly, the logo and the colors will change. No team, with a few minor exceptions, keeps their colors, logo or even cities the same forever. And usually with expansion teams in all sports, you find team colors and some times names, change early on.
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